Donate to the Muslim Cemetery

Support our Muslim cemetery in the Greater Philadelphia, PA region

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said:

من حفر لميت قبرًا فأجنَّه فيه أجرى اللهُ له من الأجرِ كأجرِ مَسكنٍ أسكنَه إلى يومِ القيامةِ

“Whoever digs a grave for a deceased person and buries him, will receive the reward of giving him a place to reside in until the Day of Judgment.”

(Saheeh al-Targheeb 3492 – Graded Saheeh by Al-Albaani)

Donate to Al Andalus  Mosque

Support our newly created masjid in Philadelphia, PA

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said:

من بنى مسجدا يبتغي به وجه الله بنى الله له مثله في الجنة

“Whoever builds a mosque seeking the pleasure of Allah, Allah will build for him a similar one in Paradise.”

Greater Philadelphia Charitable Organization (GPCO), Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization established in 2022. In a world where compassion and service to others are key to building a stronger society, non-profit organizations play a vital role. Among these, Islamic non-profit organizations stand out, grounded in the principles of charity, community service, and care for the future.

Our organization believes that a strong, compassionate community is built on helping one another, regardless of background. Every initiative, from providing low-cost burial and funeral services to the Muslims living in Greater Philadelphia PA to providing islamic educational programs for childern, in our newly created mosque – a house of worship that is open to all, is a step towards creating a better tomorrow

Currently, Greater Philadelphia Charitable Organization manages Al Andalus mosque and provides burial service including land. This does not include funeral home charges. However, GPCO’s goal is to eventually establish and maintain a funeral home as well so that the overall cost of burying your loved ones can be affordable. We do NOT offer any pre-paid burial plots at the moment.

Cemetery Address: 1100 Cinnaminson Avenue, Cinnaminson New Jersey 08077
Mailing Address: GPCO, 6440 Rising Sun Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19111
Phone: 215-866-6485

Al Andalus Mosque Address: 6440 Rising Sun Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19111
Mailing Address: GPCO, 6440 Rising Sun Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19111
Phone: 215-866-6485

PAYMENT: We do NOT accept any payments from third parties, such as funeral homes, for our burial plots. ALL PAYMENTS must be made directly to us either through this website or check/cash MUST be given to the Operations Manager Omar Kaab at 215-866-6485.

SAME DAY BURIALS: If you wish to have a loved one buried the same day of your request, then you must contact us before 10 AM. It is logistically difficult to do so after 10 AM.

WINTER BURIALS: If a winter burial cannot occur due to inclement weather, frozen ground or similar condition, the deceased person may be kept at funeral home until such burial can occur.


In order to maintain respect, safety, and serenity for all, the following are strictly prohibited within the cemetery grounds:

  • Incense Prohibited: Due to fire safety concerns
  • Pets Prohibited: To ensure the tranquility and respect for all visitors
  • Smoking Prohibited: As a gesture of consideration towards others
  • Firearms Prohibited: For the safety and well-being of everyone
  • Funeral Prayers Prohibited: Due to overcrowding concerns


  • 40 cars max are allowed on the premises
  • No parking allowed outside on the street. We suggest attendees to carpool during burial
  • Violators will be ticketed and towed at their own expense