How to Pray the Janazah (funeral) Prayer
We are one of the largest Muslim cemeteries in the U.S. and are completely not-for-profit. Please consider donating. The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said:
“Whoever digs a grave for a deceased person and buries him, will receive the reward of giving him a place to reside in until the Day of Judgment.”
(Saheeh al-Targheeb 3492 – Graded Saheeh by Al-Albaani)
1 – Say first Takbeer (‘Allahu Akbar’) and raise both hands up to your earlobes and then place your right hand over your left hand
2 – Seek refuge from the Shaytan (devil)
I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Shaitan
3 – Recite Surah Al-Fatihah followed by a short surah or part of a surah
In the name of Allah , the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. [All] praise is [due] to Allah , Lord of the worlds – The Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful, Sovereign of the Day of Recompense. It is You we worship and You we ask for help. Guide us to the straight path – The path of those upon whom You have bestowed favor, not of those who have evoked [Your] anger or of those who are astray.
4 – Say second Takbeer. You can either choose to raise your hands again up to your earlobes or leave them as is. Both are permissible.
5 – Recite Darood on Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as one does at the end of the prayer
O Allah, let Your Peace come upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have brought peace to Ibrahim and his family. Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious. Allah, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you have blessed Ibrahim and his family. Truly, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious.
6 – Say third Takbeer. You can either choose to raise your hands again up to your earlobes or leave them as is. Both are permissible.
7 – Make supplication (du’a) for the deceased. There are a number of recommended supplications from the Prophet (pbuh). Click here to view them. Following is one of the most popular:
‘O Allah, forgive our living and our dead, those present and those absent, our young and our old, our males and our females. O Allah, whom among us You keep alive, then let such a life be upon Islam, and whom among us You take unto Yourself, then let such a death be upon faith. O Allah, do not deprive us of his reward and do not let us stray after him’.
8 – Say fourth Takbeer and pause for a little while. You can either choose to raise your hands again up to your earlobes or leave them as is. Both are permissible. Some scholars say to recite general supplications for yourself, family, friends, and all Muslims during this period.
9 – Then end by saying one Tasleem to the right (‘Assalaamu ‘alaykum wa rahmat-Allaah’). Doing it on both sides as in regular prayer is also ok.